

Perhaps a poem would be a good change of pace. I’m not a fan of Cinquains or Haikus, so I went with my favorite style..Seuss-ian.

Hope you enjoy “Emma Teaches.”

Emma teaches many things,

Many things I thought I knew.

Not facts or information,

Not 1 and 1 is 2.


No, she teaches things not found in books,

Can’t be heard and can’t be seen.

Like love and faith, hope and joy,

And all that’s in between.


She’s taught us how to trust in God,

We’ve learned it’s not our plan.

We’ve learned that He will lead us,

If we reach and take His hand.


She taught us how to handle,

The hard days we’re sure to have.

But more importantly, to remember,

Good days outweigh the bad.


She taught me to live beyond myself,

The simple power of a smile.

And how to wait for God to answer,

Even if it takes a while.


The things in life that matter most,

I suppose she’s taught that too.

And how time flies before our eyes,

Just look how fast she grew!


She was born with a special heart,

The doctors fixed it in short time.

And though she’s only one year old,

She’s fixed what’s wrong with mine.


She’s a sweet and small reminder,

Of what it means to live.

She’s taught me many lessons,

Without knowing that she did.


I’ve learned to love the simple things,

When she lays upon my chest.

There’s just one thing I don’t know yet,

…Just what she’ll teach me next.

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